I heart you yoga pants

Dear yoga pants (and leggings too), I heart you! You have seen the best of me. You have seen the worst of me. (I'm sorry) Yet you keep clinging on like you're getting paid to do so. (LuLaRoe's you have been paid!) You make me look good yoga pants. I heart you lots.  Sincerely, Sweet... Continue Reading →

Can I get an amen?! Shooooot 

I find myself to be a forgetful person from time to time.  Not the forget my baby in the back seat kinda forgetful, I luckily successfully survived my early years of parenting without that happening, thank God!!  But the kind of, drive right past the recycling center two days in row, only to remember when... Continue Reading →


Somewhere between lunch and dinner, everything changed. A shift with no warning, no explanation, no details.  Just inexplicably feeling a different way.  Everything I had felt, went to the back burner and I went in to preservation mode.  A variety of factors could be to blame, but this resounding "NO" came from my gut.  "No... Continue Reading →

When I am weak

I am always amazed how often I am called upon to be strong for others, to share my light and love, when I feel challenged and so weak.  We are provided countless opportunities for healing, mine are in sharing my words, my life with those who call on me.  In turn, helping them accentuates the... Continue Reading →

Fuel your fire

Why are we so quick to feed a growling stomach, but reluctant to feed the longing in our hearts and souls?  Is mental and soulful fulfillment not as necessary as physical sustenance?  For me, it absolutely is.  Now for sure, we must eat to survive, to work to have food, but for what if our... Continue Reading →

Use two hands…

I am truly happy for anyone who seeks out life and truth and beauty in all forms, with both hands... grabs hold even for just an instant and pushes themselves fiercely in to each and every amazing moment.  Lovely or uncomfortable, there is such grace there, and an endless potential for growth. Seek it. Shine... Continue Reading →

starving, craving

I will let you go hungry, so you know the pain it causes. To feel the pangs of starvation up to the point that your craving comes alive.  I will win the platinum award for withholding on your terms.  Let me go at my pace, and you will be satisfied for life. - TJH

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